Wednesday, March 17, 2010

For Inter 1st year Physics First year Students.


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AKHIL said...


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divyahoney said...

hey 1st year valu narayana material chasatay chalu malli phyiscs mataram hunt for success chasatay chalu second year vali 2b impotants execise kavalatay meku 70marks vasatai nennu chapidi chasatay only for second year valiki mataram naku mail chayidi my mail id

divyahoney said...

maths1a n 1b

divyahoney said...

hey 1st year valu narayana material chasatay chalu malli phyiscs mataram hunt for success chasatay chalu second year vali 2b impotants execise kavalatay meku 70marks vasatai nennu chapidi chasatay only for second year valiki mataram naku mail chayidi my mail id

divyahoney said...

hey 1st year valu narayana material chasatay chalu malli phyiscs mataram hunt for success chasatay chalu second year vali 2b impotants execise kavalatay meku 70marks vasatai nennu chapidi chasatay only for second year valiki mataram naku mail chayidi my mail id

ilyas*by vips said...

PHYSICS, Paper - I
(English Version)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: 1) Answer all the questions. 10 x 2 = 20 Marks
2) Every correct answer carries 2 marks.
3) All are very short answer type questions.
1. Write the dimensional equation for coefficient of dynamic viscosity
using its formula.
2. If the coefficient of restitution equals to one explain the behaviour of
motion of the colliding bodies having equal masses with reason.
3. The position vectors of two bodies of masses 2 kg and 3 kg are given
as 2i+ 3j+ 5k and 3i-5j+ 7k. Find the position vector of centre of mass
of the system.
4. What is Chandrasekhar limit and mention its value in terms of solar
5. What is surface tension of a liquid and mention effect of temperature
on it?
6. Write any two applications of Bernoullie’s theorem.
7. Why the glass beaker breaks when cold water sprinkled on it?
8. What is triple point of water?
9. State Newton’s law of cooling.
Which one cools faster, body ‘A’ at higher temperature or body ‘B’ at
lower temperature kept in the same environment or surroundings.
10. State Stephen’s law of radiation and express it in mathematical form.
Note: 1) Answer any six questions. 6 x 4 = 24 Marks
2) Every correct answer carries 4 marks.
3) All are Short Answer type questions.
11. Define dot and cross products with one example each.
12. Show that the path of a projectile is parabola.
13. Calculate work done in dragging a body of mass 2 kg up an inclined
plane of inclination 600 and coefficient of friction 0.2 and length 3m.
14. Derive an expression for escape velocity on a planet.
15. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic.
16. Explain the behaviour of a wire under gradually increasing load with
the help of necessary graph.
17. Write any four differences between isothermal and adiabatic
18. Explain the concept of absolute scale of temperature.
Note: 1) Answer any two questions. 2 x 8 = 16 Marks
2) Every correct answer carries 8 marks.
3) All are long answer type questions.
19. State the law of conservation of Energy and verify it in the case of
freely falling object.
Calculate the total energy of the body mass 5 kg which is freely falling
from a height of 100m, at the highest point and at middle and at the
lowest point.
20. Explain the concept of moment of inertia.
Derive an expression for the moment of Inertia about an axis passing
through the centre of a rectangular lamina and parallel to its breadth.
21. Explain the procedure to determine the coefficient of apparent
expansion of a liquid using specific gravity bottle with relevant theory.

i hv more

by the way thankzzzzzzzzzz

/prince ***ilyas***

ilyas*by vips said...

PHYSICS, Paper - I
(English Version)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: 1) Answer all the questions. 10 x 2 = 20 Marks
2) Every correct answer carries 2 marks.
3) All are very short answer type questions.
1. Write the dimensional equation for coefficient of dynamic viscosity
using its formula.
2. If the coefficient of restitution equals to one explain the behaviour of
motion of the colliding bodies having equal masses with reason.
3. The position vectors of two bodies of masses 2 kg and 3 kg are given
as 2i+ 3j+ 5k and 3i-5j+ 7k. Find the position vector of centre of mass
of the system.
4. What is Chandrasekhar limit and mention its value in terms of solar
5. What is surface tension of a liquid and mention effect of temperature
on it?
6. Write any two applications of Bernoullie’s theorem.
7. Why the glass beaker breaks when cold water sprinkled on it?
8. What is triple point of water?
9. State Newton’s law of cooling.
Which one cools faster, body ‘A’ at higher temperature or body ‘B’ at
lower temperature kept in the same environment or surroundings.
10. State Stephen’s law of radiation and express it in mathematical form.
Note: 1) Answer any six questions. 6 x 4 = 24 Marks
2) Every correct answer carries 4 marks.
3) All are Short Answer type questions.
11. Define dot and cross products with one example each.
12. Show that the path of a projectile is parabola.
13. Calculate work done in dragging a body of mass 2 kg up an inclined
plane of inclination 600 and coefficient of friction 0.2 and length 3m.
14. Derive an expression for escape velocity on a planet.
15. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic.
16. Explain the behaviour of a wire under gradually increasing load with
the help of necessary graph.
17. Write any four differences between isothermal and adiabatic
18. Explain the concept of absolute scale of temperature.
Note: 1) Answer any two questions. 2 x 8 = 16 Marks
2) Every correct answer carries 8 marks.
3) All are long answer type questions.
19. State the law of conservation of Energy and verify it in the case of
freely falling object.
Calculate the total energy of the body mass 5 kg which is freely falling
from a height of 100m, at the highest point and at middle and at the
lowest point.
20. Explain the concept of moment of inertia.
Derive an expression for the moment of Inertia about an axis passing
through the centre of a rectangular lamina and parallel to its breadth.
21. Explain the procedure to determine the coefficient of apparent
expansion of a liquid using specific gravity bottle with relevant theory.

i hv more

by the way thankzzzzzzzzzz

/ prince***ilyas***

ilyas*by vips said...

PHYSICS, Paper - I
(English Version)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: 1) Answer all the questions. 10 x 2 = 20 Marks
2) Every correct answer carries 2 marks.
3) All are very short answer type questions.
1. Write the dimensional equation for coefficient of dynamic viscosity
using its formula.
2. If the coefficient of restitution equals to one explain the behaviour of
motion of the colliding bodies having equal masses with reason.
3. The position vectors of two bodies of masses 2 kg and 3 kg are given
as 2i+ 3j+ 5k and 3i-5j+ 7k. Find the position vector of centre of mass
of the system.
4. What is Chandrasekhar limit and mention its value in terms of solar
5. What is surface tension of a liquid and mention effect of temperature
on it?
6. Write any two applications of Bernoullie’s theorem.
7. Why the glass beaker breaks when cold water sprinkled on it?
8. What is triple point of water?
9. State Newton’s law of cooling.
Which one cools faster, body ‘A’ at higher temperature or body ‘B’ at
lower temperature kept in the same environment or surroundings.
10. State Stephen’s law of radiation and express it in mathematical form.
Note: 1) Answer any six questions. 6 x 4 = 24 Marks
2) Every correct answer carries 4 marks.
3) All are Short Answer type questions.
11. Define dot and cross products with one example each.
12. Show that the path of a projectile is parabola.
13. Calculate work done in dragging a body of mass 2 kg up an inclined
plane of inclination 600 and coefficient of friction 0.2 and length 3m.
14. Derive an expression for escape velocity on a planet.
15. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic.
16. Explain the behaviour of a wire under gradually increasing load with
the help of necessary graph.
17. Write any four differences between isothermal and adiabatic
18. Explain the concept of absolute scale of temperature.
Note: 1) Answer any two questions. 2 x 8 = 16 Marks
2) Every correct answer carries 8 marks.
3) All are long answer type questions.
19. State the law of conservation of Energy and verify it in the case of
freely falling object.
Calculate the total energy of the body mass 5 kg which is freely falling
from a height of 100m, at the highest point and at middle and at the
lowest point.
20. Explain the concept of moment of inertia.
Derive an expression for the moment of Inertia about an axis passing
through the centre of a rectangular lamina and parallel to its breadth.
21. Explain the procedure to determine the coefficient of apparent
expansion of a liquid using specific gravity bottle with relevant theory.

i hv more

by the way thankzzzzzzzzzz

/ prince***ilyas***

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