Chartered accountant - Introduction Chartered Accountancy is a dynamic, challenging and rewarding profession. With the rapid growth in economy, careers in finance and accounts have gained tremendous popularity. The most prestigious career option in this field is that of Chartered Accountancy course. |
Intermediate Physics practical questions
Part - A
Q. 1. Using physical balance determine the mass of the given body correct to a milligram.
Q. 2. Find the volume of the given wooden cube using physical balance
(density of wood = 0.8 gm/cc)
Q. 3 find the acceleration due to gravity at your place using simple pendulum. Also find the percentage error in the measurement.
Q. 4 find the acceleration due to gravity at your place using simple pendulum. Draw (l-T2) graph and find the length of the second’s pendulum from the graph.
Q.5. Draw l-T2 graph in the case of a simple pendulum and find the length of the pendulum whose time period is 2 seconds.
Q.6. determine the coefficient of static friction and calculate the force acting on a body sliding on a rough inclined plane. Draw (W- Sinθ) graph.
Q.7 Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction and find the weight of the body sliding on a rough inclined plane using (W- Sinθ) graph.
Q.8 Determine the coefficient of rolling friction and calculate the force acting on a body rolling on a rough inclined plane.
Part – B
Q. 9 Verify Boyle’s Law and plot h – 1/l graph (take 6 observations)
Q. 10 Plot (h – 1/l ) graph and determine the atmospheric pressure from the graph (take 6 observations)
Q.11. Verify the Parallelogram Law of Forces and find the weight of the given stone in air. (Take 6 observations)
Q. 12 Verify parallelogram law of forces and find the relative density of the given body (Take two observations).
Q. 13 Verify the triangle law of forces and find the weight of the given stone in air.
(Take two observations)
Q. 14 Verify the triangle law of forces and find the volume of the given stone in air.
(Take two observations)
Q. 15 Verify the law of parallel forces and find the weight of the given stone in air (take three observations)
Q. 16 Verify the law of parallel forces and find the relative density of the given body (take three observations)
Part - C
Q. 17 Determine the coefficient of apparent expansion of the given liquid using specific gravity bottle.
Q. 18 Find the coefficient of volume expansion of glass using specific gravity bottle. Given the coefficient of real expansion of the given liquid (Coconut oil = 0.000677/0C)
Q. 19 Find the specific heat of the given solid by using method of mixtures.
Q.20 Determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise method.
Q.21 Determine the latent heat of vaporization of water using method of mixtures.
Part – D
Q. 22 Draw i-d curve and find the refractive index of the material of the given prism. (Angle of the prism A = 600)
Q. 23 Draw i – d curve and determine the angle of the prism assuming the Refractive index of the material of the prism μ= 1.5.
Q. 24. Determine the velocity of sound in air at the room temperature using resonance apparatus and calculate its value at 0 oC.
Q. 25. Compare the frequencies of the two given tuning forks using resonance column apparatus.
Q. 26. Find the frequencies of the two given tuning forks using resonance columns apparatus (Velocity of sound in air at room temperature = 330 m/s).
Q. 27 Verify the first and second laws of transverse waves along a stretched string using sonometer.
Q. 28 Verify the second and third laws of transverse waves along a stretched string using sonometer.
Q. 29 Verify the first and third laws of transverse waves along a stretched string using sonometer.
Part – E
Q. 30 Compare the magnetic moments of the given short bar magnets in Tan A position by equal distance method. Verify the result with the value obtained from null method. (Take two observations in each method).
Q. 31. Compare the magnetic moments of the two given short bar magnets in Tan B position by equal distance method and verify the result with the value obtained from null method. (Take two observations in each method).
Q. 32 Verify inverse square law using Deflection Magnetometer. (Take four observations in each position).
Q. 33 Draw the magnetic lines of force of the combined magnetic field due to earth and a short bar magnet, placed in the magnetic meridian with its North pole pointing towards South. Locate the null points and calculate the pole strength (m) of the given bar magnet.
Q. 34 Draw the magnetic lines of force of the combined magnetic field due to earth and a short bar magnet, placed in the magnetic meridian with its North pole pointing towards South. Locate the null points and calculate the magnetic moment (M) of the given bar magnet.
Q. 35. Draw the lines of force of the combined magnetic field due to the earth and short bar magnet placed in the magnetic meridian with its North Pole pointing towards North. Locate the null points and calculate the pole strength (m) of the given bar magnet.
Q. 36. Draw the lines of force of the combined magnetic field due to the earth and short bar magnet placed in the magnetic meridian with its North Pole pointing towards North. Locate the null points and calculate the moment (M) of the given bar magnet.
Q. 37 Find the value of magnetic moment (M) and the Horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field (BH) using vibrational magnetometer.
Part – F
Q. 38 Find the strength of the electric current using tangent galvanometer in an electric circuit ( Take 6 observations)
Q. 39 Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using ammeter.
Q. 40 Verify Ohm’s law using (R-Cot) graph method.
Q. 41 Determine the internal resistance of the battery and the galvanometer from (R-Cot) graph method.
Q. 42 Find the specific resistance of the wire using meter bridge.
Q. 43 Using meter bridge. Find the electrical resistance of the given two wires by connecting them in series and in parallel.
Q. 44. Compare the resistance of the given two wires using meter bridge (Take three observations for each wire)
Q. 45 Draw I –V characteristics of the junction diode.